Hi everybody, Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2009
Let's get started with the principle of gratitude, there was a time in my life when I didn't think I would make it past 50, due to the circumstances and events happening at that time in my life, anyway to make the story short, I've been clean and sober for the last 18 1/2 years.
Now I'm not proud to write about my personal life, but then again who Am I going to share about? Get my drift, as they say, it is about my experience, strength and hope that I'd like to blog, and hope that someone gets something out of this.
We're going to embark in this wonderful trip where self-help, believe in one-self, and a change of attitude will be necessary, in any changes are to be obtained, I am not saying that it is easy but I never said it's impossible, "WHATEVER THE MIND OF MAN CAN CONCEIVE AND BELIEVE,
IT CAN ACHIEVE", it is not just another cliche, but once I made the decision to make the necessary changes in my life, guess what, my personal, family and spiritual life has changed for the better.
Yes it takes work, personal work, I had to really look inside of me and realize that maybe, just maybe it's possible to fulfill my own dreams and aspirations, take responsibility for my actions, otherwise I will always be the victim, and yes develop a sense of gratitude that I am alive, breathing and standing on my own today, if only for today, for today is all I have.
to be continued..........
to be continued..........
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